For the last few months I’ve been a hermit. Wielding pens and keyboards and paper around my office, pacing and battling and whole lot more verb -ing  forms to finish up my two novels… and they’re taking shape I’m happy to report. However I wanted to give you an update of the things I’ve been doing the you can check out now….

The Kyoto Journal published my story “Distant and Far Apart.” (They’re one of the best out here in Asia as far as I’m concerned. Now they’re even better.) Check them out not only for my story, but also see into the world of old school, skill intensive, boat building. Seriously, it’s cool.

On Sunday January 31st, 10-12pm KST, you can listen to me get really excited about John Keats on TBS eFM’s The Bookend. 101.3 (Seoul) Or listen to the podcast here.

John Keats was artful and an inspiration in a lot of ways. His poetry is beautiful and smart and every artist should sing aloud one of his Ode’s before they go to sleep. (We all owe him one.) I’m going to write a bit more about him soon, so keep an eye out for that.

So two things 2016 has already done for me. What more could I ask for?

Welcome 2016 and look what you're already doing for me